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President's Message

Another year has passed, and now we are all looking to the future and to what 2014 has to bring. With the holidays behind us, resolutions are being made to improve our lives in some way. Maybe you are determined to become healthier, or perhaps you are going to spend more time with family. You may also be considering ways to ensure your financial future. While the Credit Union cannot help with your family and fitness goals, we are there for you to ensure your finances are in prime condition.

As a local financial cooperative, we exist to serve members who live and work in Arizona. We are owned and controlled by our members, meaning that the money you put into the Credit Union stays in your community rather than going to shareholders in other states.  By keeping your money local, you are ensuring the future of fellow Arizonans.   

As part of our commitment to help our members meet their financial goals, the Credit Union offers many products and services that are tailored to the needs of our members. Because we are a cooperative, we offer products and services that allow members to make the best financial decisions for their situations. With our competitive lending rates, including mortgage, auto and credit cards, the Credit Union is determined to work with you and for you to help you meet your financial needs.

In addition to our competitive lending capabilities, we consider it our responsibility to assist you in saving for the future. We offer a variety of savings plans to ensure that you will have funds for those rainy days. Among our many plans is the YourSavings account, which allows you to earn dividends on small balances. We believe that a little goes a long way, and every dollar you save is a dollar earned. The Credit Union has a dedicated team of financial advisors who are here to assist you with building retirement funds and to answer questions regarding saving for retirement.

Resolve to improve your financial wellbeing this year. As your local financial cooperative, we are here to assist you in this endeavor by providing you with the products and services that will help you build your credit and save for rainy days.

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