Why Save with OneAZ?

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Online & Mobile App Access

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No monthly maintenance fees

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Savings tools for goal setting

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Federally Insured by NCUA up to $250,000

Save for what’s next.

Earn up to 5 .00% APY* Propel Savings

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No matter what’s next for you – a new car, your first home, or that unforgettable trip – you'll be ready for it with a Propel Savings account. Launch into life’s biggest moments and earn 5.00% APY on balances up to $10,000.

  • Perfect for new savers
  • Save for your next goal or build an emergency fund
  • High-yield tiers for bigger savings
  • Quick access to cash if you need it
  • No monthly fees when you sign up for eStatements
  • $100 minimum balance to open account
Balance Prospective Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield

$0.01 - $9,999.99


5.00% APY

$10,000 - $24,999.99


5.00% - 4.00% APY

$25,000 - $49,999.99


4.00% - 3.43% APY

$50,000 - $99,999.99


3.43% - 2.89% APY

$100,000 & Greater


2.89% - 2.09% APY

Rates as of March 1, 2025.

*Propel Account Disclosure: APY=Annual Percentage Yield. $100 minimum balance to open account ($500 maximum to open online) and no minimum balance to earn stated APY. Propel Savings is a variable tier rate savings account that pays the stated interest rate only on that portion of the account balance that falls within that specified tier to create a range rate. Rates are subject to change at any time, refer to the fee schedule. for more information. $2 monthly fee waived if enrolled in eStatements. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Limit one Propel Savings and YourSavings account per Tax ID number.

propel savings icon

How to Propel Your Savings

  1. Open an account online or in branch with a $100 minimum balance to open
  2. If you open your account online, you may deposit up to $2500 to start earning your high-yield Propel dividends immediately
  3. To add additional deposits:
    1. Transfer funds from a OneAZ checking account or Share Savings account
    2. Visit a branch to deposit funds
    3. Use an account to account (A2A) service to send funds from an outside account to your OneAZ Propel Savings Account

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What Are You Saving For?

Open a new savings account with OneAZ that suits your needs, whether for the short term or long term.

New Car icon

New Car

New Home icon

New Home

College icon

College Fund

Wedding icon


Vacation icon


Retirement icon


Emergency Fund icon

Emergency Fund

Home Renovations icon


Find the savings account that's right for you.

Propel Savings icon

Propel Savings

Higher returns on lower balances

Rates as high as

5.00 % APY1


  • High-yield tiers for bigger savings
  • No monthly fees when you sign up for eStatements
  • $100 minimum balance to open account

How to Open:
In-Branch, By Phone or Online

New Members Existing Members

Share Certificates icon

Share Certificates

Higher returns for locked term


4.00% APY2

limited time 18-month CD promo

View Promotional Offer


  • Other rates and terms available
  • Lock-in your dividend rate for guaranteed earnings
  • Low risk investment

How to Open:

Find a Branch Learn More

Money Market Accounts icon

Money Market Accounts

Higher dividends and access to money

Rates as high as

3.50% APY3


  • No term limitations
  • Deposit or withdraw cash as needed
  • Free checks & ATM access

How to Open:

Find a Branch Learn More

Club Savings Account icon

Club Savings Account

High yield savings account


2.00% APY4


  • Open up to 10 secondary accounts
  • Great to use for overdraft protection
  • Tap into online & mobile banking app

How to Open:
In-Branch, By Phone or Online

New Members Existing Members

YourSavings Account icon

YourSavings Account

Perfect savings starter account.


4.00% APY5


  • Earn 4.00% APY on your first $1,000
  • Low $5.00 minimum to open an account
  • No monthly fee when you sign up for eStatements

How to Open:
In-Branch, By Phone or Online

New Members Existing Members

Share Savings Account icon

Share Savings Account

Establish your membership and savings.


0.10 % APY6


  • Buys you a “share” of the credit union
  • Great to use for overdraft protection
  • Tap into online & mobile banking app

How to Open:
In-Branch, By Phone or Online

New Members Existing Members

Whether you are opening an account in-person, by phone or online, be prepared with the following items:

  • Valid Driver’s License, State ID or Passport
  • Social Security Number
  • For a loan we may require employment and income verification

calculator icon

Savings Calculator

How much will your savings be worth? Use this calculator to understand the future value of your savings.

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Saving & Budgeting Resources Guide

At OneAZ, we want you to have the tools and the knowledge to make confident, smart decisions about your finances.

Explore More Topics

Savings Goals at Every Age

How much should you be saving at every age? Whether you’re 20 or 60 years old, savings should always be at the forefront of a good financial plan.

Keep Reading

Maximize Your Savings

Here's what to look for in a savings account and the differences between regular savings accounts, money market accounts and share certificates.

Keep Reading

How to Build Your Emergency Fund with an Emergency Fund Calculator

Our emergency fund calculator will help you see how long it will take you to reach your desired emergency fund goal based off your income.  

Keep Reading

Why Choose OneAZ?

At OneAZ, our mission is to truly improve the lives of our members, our associates and the communities we serve. By becoming a member, you’re joining a credit union that cares about your future – we are here to help you achieve your financial goals. We put you first by providing you with competitive rates, low fees and the personalized service you deserve.

  • You’re a Member, not a number. Your membership is your ownership stake in OneAZ Credit Union. That means we’re accountable to you, not investors or stockholders. You have a voice in how your credit union operates and get to vote for our Board of Directors.
  • Our profits are your savings. As a not-for-profit, we return our earnings to you in the form of lower interest rates, lower fees and better banking technology. Our team only cares about providing you with products and services that will benefit your financial well-being.
  • We keep it local. Banking at a local credit union like OneAZ keeps your money in Arizona. We’re committed to strengthening Arizona’s economy by providing affordable home and auto loans, empowering local entrepreneurs and small businesses, and supporting our members as they achieve their financial goals.
  • We invest in your community. We build stronger communities by providing support to nonprofits working in neighborhoods where our members live and work. The OneAZ Community Foundation uplifts the lives of Arizonans in need by awarding dozens of grants each year to local organizations across the state.

APY = Annual Percentage Yield. For membership eligibility visit OneAZcu.com/membership.

Rates as of March 1, 2025.

1Propel Account Disclosure: APY=Annual Percentage Yield. $100 minimum balance to open account ($500 maximum to open online) and no minimum balance to earn stated APY. Propel Savings is a variable tier rate savings account that pays the stated interest rate only on that portion of the account balance that falls within that specified tier to create a range rate. Rates are subject to change at any time, refer to the Fee Schedule for more information. $2 monthly fee waived if enrolled in eStatements. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Limit one Propel Savings and YourSavings account per Tax ID number.
1Promotional Share Certificate Account Disclosure: APY = Annual Percentage Yield. To receive the limited-time promotional 4.00% APY rate, the account must be opened with funds not currently held with OneAZ Credit Union (i.e., New Money). Minimum opening deposit of $2,000 required. Promotional APY is available for both consumer (excluding IRA’s) and business accounts. Share certificates will renew at current OneAZ rates for same term upon maturity. Early withdrawal penalties may apply, fees may reduce earnings. Refer to Consumer Membership Account Agreement Disclosure for additional terms and conditions. Membership qualifications apply. For membership eligibility visit OneAZcu.com/membership. Limited time promotional offer that may end at anytime without further notice.
1Money Market Account Disclosure: Money market accounts are a tiered variable rate and subject to change at any time. The minimum balance required to open this account is $1,000. In order to earn disclosed APY, you must maintain a balance that is at least equal to $1,000 in your account each day. In order to avoid the monthly maintenance fee (see Fee Schedule), your account balance must be at least equal to $1,000 on the last calendar day of the month. Fees could reduce earnings.
1Club Savings Account Disclosure: $5 minimum balance required to open account and maintain account. Minimum daily balance required to earn APY is $50. $2 monthly fee waived if enrolled in eStatements.
1Your Savings Account Disclosure: Minimum daily balance to earn the stated APY is $100.00. This account is subject to a Tiered Variable Rate; for the current dividend rate and corresponding APY, refer to the Fee Schedule. Minimum balance to open account is $5.00. There is a limit of one (1) Your Savings account per primary member. Fees could reduce earnings. $2 monthly fee waived if enrolled in eStatements
1Share Savings Account Disclosure: $5 minimum balance required to open account and maintain account. Minimum daily balance required to earn APY is $50.

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